WWF Strikes a Bum Deal

Animal and environmental charity WWF has announced it will be partnering with toilet tissue brand ‘Velvet’. As part of the deal Velvet will feature a WWF logo on the front of all of its packs as a move to raise awareness of the causes and issues it raises funds for. According to Velvet’s owner, SCA Hygiene, the arrangement will be mutually beneficial as it will highlight their own green credentials by association with the well known wildlife charity. This claim to be a ‘green company’ is refreshingly genuine as opposed to mere bandwagon jumping as SCA is actually Europe’s largest private forest owner as they claim to plant over eighty million new saplings each year. WWF is also acting as an advisor to SCA in order to further limit the companies own impact on the environment and reducing its carbon footprint.

WWF has been challenging big business to take responsibility and implement measures to alleviate the effect that they have on the environment since 2004 and SCA is the first and only large corporate to step up to the plate and provide adequate assurances that it is talking steps to avoid deforestation. We wholeheartedly support both organisations and look forward to seeing more companies following their lead.