Trailwalker 2011 with Oxfam UK 16-17 July 2011

Oxfam UK and the Gurkhas are inviting you to join them and 500 inspirational teams who will be taking part in one of the for the UK’s toughest and inspiring team challenges on the weekend of 16-17th July 2011. The Trailwalker 2011 started over 30 years as a training exercise by the Queens Gurkha Signals Regiment, the challenge was set to test a soldiers’ stamina and teamwork skills.

The challenge is to complete the 100km trail across the South Downs, in under 30 hours. Setting off in teams of four, this will be one of the most demanding challenges you will ever face, are you up for it?

If you enter online before midnight on Friday 18th February 2011 you can also save £50 on your registration fee, which will be £200 after this date. Each team needs to raise a minimum £1500 to take part, so £375 per participant. All the money raised will be put towards helping people in poverty to make a better life for themselves through the work of Oxfam and the Gurkha Welfare Trust.

The question is, have you got the minerals to take on the Gurkas at their own game?!