NSPCC Applaud New Volunteer Vetting and Barring Acheme

The NSPCC charity has welcomed the latest Vetting and Barring scheme being launched in the UK. The procedure will ensure a thorough background search of the millions of people who volunteer to work in Britain, particularly those we work with children.

The new scheme, introduced by the government, can help to provide prospective companies a useful aid to ensure that any volunteers don’t have any previous offences. The current criminal record checks can only ever catch those who have already been prosecuted, and such checks can only provide information at a single point in time.

With a reported 11 million people volunteering in the UK, it is important that the introduction of the new vigorous vetting scheme does not hinder people’s willingness to get involved. These checks have been put into place to seek out the small minority that abuse their power and are not intended to cast suspicion over the many who give up their time to innocently help children.

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The NSPCC help thousands of children each year, and with your donations they can endevour to answer more calls from children who struggle to get through on their busy phone lines.

The NSPCC childrens charity are eager to raise £50million to help expand their UK services and recruit nearly two thousand volunteers. By donating to the NSPCC you can help stop atrocities happening to children.

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